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This Dismissive Reddit Dad Didn’t Take a Teen’s Concerns Seriously, Reminding Us Just How Vile People Can Be

You’ve heard us say it before, and we’ll say it again. Every time we think we’ve seen the worst a—hole on the Reddit “Am I The A—hole” subreddit, some douche jumps on and says, “Hold my beer.” So what’s the latest drama to come out of this dumpster fire? A man took to Reddit with the question, “AITA for not switching a movie to accommodate my son’s friend?”

And we know what you’re probably thinking. It’s the same thing a commenter was thinking, “Man, I thought this was gonna be about a kid being scared of a horror movie,” they said.

“But then it took a turn.” An absolutely horrifying turn.

This man’s 16-year-old son “Josh” was having a movie night with three of his friends recently. One of the friends, “Matt,” is new to the group.

“I haven’t seen him too many times before so I don’t know that much about him except that he’s slightly younger than most of my son’s friends,” the man who originally posted (the “OP”) wrote, apparently getting ready to chock this all up to age.

“Anyway, the movies Josh and the other boys wanted to watch were horror or superhero-themed,” he continued. “Apparently Matt tried to come up with some other movie genres/ideas but was shut down.”

And soon enough, the friends wouldn’t be the only ones to shoot Matt down.

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