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A Grieving Dad Is Threatening to Cut His Parents’ Ties With Their Granddaughter After the ‘Cruelest’ Act & Reddit Has His Back

If there’s ever a time that a person needs the wholehearted support of their family, it’s after losing a loved one. It’s a time of unimaginable pain and grief and that person needs a village to lean on. A village that will sit with them and hold their hand and make them meals and do whatever else they can to support the bereaved. Perhaps most of all, they need a village that respects their boundaries, wishes, and privacy during this incredibly difficult time.

What they don’t need is a “village” chiming in with unwarranted advice. Or a manipulative “village” that thinks they know best.

A recent post on the “Am I The A—hole” subreddit came from a man who, unfortunately, is surrounded by the latter. “AITA for telling my family I will move and they will never see me or my daughter again if they don’t stop trying to set me up?” he titled his post.

The man who originally posted (the “OP”) shared the devastating news that his wife passed five years ago, shortly after giving birth to their daughter. He must have felt unfathomable pain at the time, and he told Reddit in his now-viral post that he is still riddled with grief. Which makes complete and total sense. What doesn’t make sense, is how his family has reacted.

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