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A Sexist Dad Downplayed His Daughter’s Intelligence & Reddit Hates His ‘Super Fragile Male Ego’

Today on the “Am I The A-hole” subreddit, there is a post that absolutely reeks of sexism and unnecessary douchey-ness. In case you’re new to this often-infuriating subreddit, it’s a place on Reddit where people congregate to tell their stories and ask if they are the a-hole in whatever drama they find themselves in.

Well, today we found a post from a dad entitled, “AITA for telling my daughter that she is smart and hardworking but not gifted?” Are you already detecting some red flags? For us, the immediate and simple question was, “Why?” Why would he downplay his daughter’s intelligence like that? What does he get out of this? Why create a situation where, yes, he could be an a**hole to his daughter? The simple answer: Because people can be the worst, and the patriarchy reigns supreme.

More than 2.2K people on Reddit have joined the conversation that starts out with the man who originally posted (the “OP”) sharing his own level of intelligence. “My wife and I both have electrical engineering degrees but I no longer work in the field and am a manager,” he said.

And we’ll admit that that’s pretty impressive. Because we are not in the business of downplaying someone’s degrees and textbook intelligence. What we and the internet are in the business of is calling it out when someone’s social and familial intelligence is nothing short of horrendous.

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