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A Man Dating a Single Mom Is Making a Parenting Request & Reddit Is Sensing Some Red Flags

When you become a parent, you learn that a lot of people have opinions about how you should parent your kids. Actually, let’s back up. Before you even have kids (if you want them), people start voicing their opinions about future kids. “When are you having kids?” the peanut gallery cries, no matter how many times they’re told to mind their own business.

And then, as soon as a pregnant person announces the happy news, the masses descend on them, offering unsolicited advice. A lot of times we believe parents should trust their own instincts and make the decisions for their own families. Nosy neighbors and know-it-all in-laws don’t get to make the calls.

But then, of course, come the disputes between significant others. When even the parents aren’t aligned, which way do they go? Some of them turn to the “Am I The A-hole?” subreddit to find out if they are in the right, and that’s (basically) what happened there yesterday. The main (and pretty significant) difference? The couple is dating. The man who originally posted (the “OP”) is the boyfriend of a single mom, and he wants to have a say in her 3-year-old daughter’s bedtime. His girlfriend is not on board, so he turned to Reddit to find out if he is being an a-hole.

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