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This Reddit Grandma Is Trying to Shield Her Grandson’s ‘Precious Innocent Eyes’ From (Gasp!) Tampons & Ya Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Getting your period is uncomfortable enough for menstruating people. There’s the bleeding and the bloating and the cramps and the cravings. The last thing these people need is someone else making it harder on them. So what can you do to not be that person? Do not make feminine products inaccessible. Do not comment on any irritability. Do NOT suggest that menstruating people can’t get things done when their hormones are out of whack thanks to their uterus. Do not, do not, do not. Just. Don’t.

*Steps off soap box before getting more worked up*

And what one teen really didn’t need was her great-aunt — who she guesses is around 65 years old — shaming her for having her period and, ya know, dealing with it. The 17-year-old joined the “Am I The A-hole?” subreddit and asked, “AITA for telling my [great-aunt] that she needs to suck it up?”

So what’s the sitch? The teen who originally posted this story on Reddit (the “OP”) explained that she is currently on a family vacation with her mom’s side of the family. She and her mom are sharing a house with her great-aunt, uncle, and younger cousin (the great-aunt’s grandson) who is around 10 years old.

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