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A Homophobic Dad Is Making a ‘Horrifying’ Decision for His Wedding Guest List & Reddit Says He ‘Uninvited the Wrong People’

We’ve seen a lot of wedding guest list drama on the “Am I The A-hole?” subreddit lately. There was the case of the mother-in-law who secretly invited more than two dozen (!!!) people to her son’s wedding. And then there was the bride who left the internet stumped when she said she didn’t want to invite her sister who had a traumatic brain injury and might end up being a big “distraction” on the Big Day.

Now we’re dealing with a 49-year-old dad who is getting remarried in a month. The wedding planning has gone well, he said in his post on Reddit. “Except for one issue.”

“My fiancé’s family is mostly conservative and thus not very supportive of same-sex relationships,” he said, already setting off alarm bells.

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