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A Mom and Her Mother-In-Law Are at Odds Over a Moldy Pumpkin & Reddit Says This Is One Disagreement She Shouldn’t Squash

Sometimes negative or harmful relationships between family members aren’t so obvious. Right below the surface, the two may be slowly rotting away. And that rot may be spreading or building up, unbeknownst to those around them. That is — of course — until someone cuts it open so the problem is plain for all to see.

Once that bacterial bullsh*t is discovered, it’s time to do something about it. The “loved” ones have to find a way to cut the toxic bits out or be prepared to toss the whole relationship in the trash.

A mother and daughter-in-law have found themselves in a very similar situation and are — quite literally — trying to figure out how to address the whole thing. The mother-in-law said to cut the problem away and move on, whereas the daughter-in-law (who is the one who “originally posted” and is known as the “OP” on Reddit), said it’s time to chuck it.

OP joined the “Am I The A-hole? (AITA)” subreddit to find out if she’s in the wrong for letting a recent argument impact future family events, and so she’s asking the internet, “Am I the a-hole for not backing down to my MIL and not caring if she comes to my son’s 1st birthday?”

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