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A ‘Clueless’ Husband Revealed His Wife’s Pregnancy Without Her Consent & Reddit Can’t Believe He’s So ‘Obtuse’

It is a woman’s decision who to tell about her pregnancy and when. Full stop. Unfortunately, a man on the “Am I The A—hole (AITA)?” subreddit missed that memo. He revealed that his wife was pregnant without her consent, and it [understandably] didn’t go over well.

Some of you may be thinking the same thing the man who originally posted — the “OP,” in Reddit lingo — thought: “In my defense, it’s not just her news to share, it’s OURS and I feel like it was completely reasonable to tell [this person].”

But remember what we said up top? It’s not his decision. Especially not after what his wife went through. He explained that a few days ago, he and his wife found out she is pregnant. This comes after she suffered a miscarriage, and after a year of trying to conceive after that tragic and traumatic experience.

“We are both obviously super happy and excited to become parents,” OP said in his Reddit post.

Because of course they are! And of course they will want to share this news with their loved ones who we’re sure will be super happy and excited too. But — at the risk of sounding like a broken record — that news should only be shared when his wife is ready.

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