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This Reddit Mom Decided Not To Share Photos of Her Newborn & Her Parents Are Livid

Time for your daily reminder: The parent(s) or primary caregiver(s) of a child — as opposed to other adults — get to make the decisions surrounding that child’s life an overwhelming amount of the time. As long as the child’s safety and/or well-being isn’t on the line, what the parents

say goes. Now take a second and read that again. Because based on what we constantly see on Reddit’s “Am I The A—hole? (AITA)” subreddit, people can’t get that through their heads.

A new mom on Reddit wrote a post about her parents’ reaction to her son being born last week. She explained that when she and her husband got checked in at the hospital, they “obviously” told a few people where they were. That included her parents.

“My mom’s immediate reaction was ‘Let us know if you change your mind and want us to come to the hospital!'” the woman who originally posted (the “OP”) said. “Even though for weeks I said I didn’t want anyone at the hospital. Then she said she was packing and said, ‘We are coming of course! But not to the hospital.'”

They assumed they could wait at OP’s house, but she said no. Because reminder: She just had a baby. And, as per usual, she gets to decide who does and doesn’t get to stay at her house. That was just the start of OP’s decision-making, and, spoiler alert: her parents were not happy with any of them.

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