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A Stay-At-Home Mom Is Going After Her Husband’s Hour-Long Bathroom Schedule & Reddit Has So Much To Unpack

Parents of young kids know how hard it can be to get two free minutes to go to the bathroom without someone screaming, crying, breaking something, or barging in. And so when we heard about a dad of a 1- and 3-year-old who spends nearly an hour in the bathroom every day after work while his wife tries to make dinner (also a struggle with two little kids!), we almost went haywire.

A mom posted on the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA)” subreddit to talk about her husband’s evening routine.

She is a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) who works one or two overnight shifts as a nurse (she shared that tidbit, and the fact that she’s studying for a bachelor’s degree in the comments) but is usually at home with her two kids. Her husband, she said, is a “blue collar” construction worker.

“He works long days, his job is pretty physical, and he works really hard,” the woman who originally posted (the “OP”) said. “He gets up at 5 a.m. and gets home by 6:30 p.m. My days are usually around the same, give or take an extra hour in the morning.”

As soon as he gets home, he heads to the bathroom, prompting OP to ask, “AITA for not letting my husband shower when he wants?”

And you better believe Reddit has a whole bunch of feelings.

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