Moms have to deal with lots of annoying little people.
You love mom friends.
You know you can always count on your mom friends.
You are a protector.
A mom will do anything to protect her family.
Babies pull hair.
Babies love nothing more than pulling your hair, and one Disney princess knows exactly how annoying that is.
Remember reading?
Just like Belle, you adore reading a good book and getting lost in the pages… without being interrupted.
It’s handled.
You can deal with just about anything, and you can keep your cool in very stressful situations.
Just like Mom.
Just like a certain princess, it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve all had arguments with our moms.
A whole new world.
Sigh. Moms know what it’s like to long for adventure, even if that “adventure” is just going to Target alone.
All too familiar.
Cinderella was just preparing for when she had kids of her own to clean up after.
Remember sleeping?
Remember sleeping? Without being interrupted? Yeah, neither does Aurora.
Moms are always finding weird things: half-eaten cookies in the sofa cushions, broken parts of toys. We have all the treasures and gadgets and gizmos and whosits.
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