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A Stepmom Wants Her Husband’s Ex To Take a Back Seat & Reddit Is Giving the Bio Mom Permission to ‘Go Nuclear’

You’ll be shocked (not!) to hear there is more blended family drama on the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA)” subreddit. And Reddit has no problem stirring the pot.

A divorced mom of two kids — 11-year-old and 9-year-old sons — is butting heads with her ex-husband’s new wife. The two of them have been married for two years now and she has no children of her own.

“This topic is one that she approached a few times with me,” the woman who originally posted (the “OP”) said. “…She told me that now they were a two-parent household, there was no need for me to show up to all games, recitals, plays, etc, because she would be going to them and there only needed to be one.”

Wait, what?

OP ignored her children’s stepmom because she has always gone to “that kind of thing.” But the stepmom is insisting that she should get more special one-on-one time with her stepkids. She wants to be the only one they see in the crowd at soccer games and the likes.

But OP is not standing for that, and so she wants to know, “AITA for refusing to step aside so my ex’s wife can support my kids alone for some of their activities?”

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