A woman joined the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA)” subreddit today to vent about her sister Lisa who has been an “unholy terror” since announcing her pregnancy back in June. This post is off to a great start, huh?!
“A lot of it can be put down to hormones and she does apologize when she calms down,” the woman who originally posted (the “OP”) said, “but the one that’s really rubbing me the wrong way is she expects everyone in the family to abstain from things she can’t eat or drink.”
So what does that look like? Pregnant women should not drink alcohol or unpasteurized milk and are typically told to limit their caffeine consumption. Among other things, they also shouldn’t eat raw fish, shellfish, raw meat, and eggs. Fish with high mercury content are also a no-no. Same with unpasteurized milk, deli meats, and lox. And they — like all people — should also steer clear of unwashed fruits and veggies.
It’s all meant to keep the baby safe and healthy, but it’s still a lot for a mom-to-be to adhere to. Sometimes a spouse will abstain in the name of solidarity, which makes more sense … but Lisa is asking her whole family to do the same.
“It’s hard on our parents because Lisa lives 2 houses down from them so they can’t escape this rule and it’s really wearing on dad because his hobby and passion is wine,” OP said.
The Great Betrayal
OP and her husband Alan went to see her parents last week and were telling them about where they went for their wedding anniversary.
“Alan let it slip that we went to dinner at the main attraction for that town: its winery,” OP said.
The Freak Out
Lisa overheard this little tidbit and reportedly “lost her mind” that her sister and brother-in-law drank while she’s pregnant. IN ANOTHER TOWN. That’s right! She’s not asking that they don’t drink at family dinners or other situations where she would be excluded. They’re not allowed to drink at all. Ever. Anywhere.
“My wonderful, supportive, vibrant parents just deflated and looked like they were bracing for impact which pushed me over the edge,” OP said.
“She got angrier and said I was ‘undermining her pregnancy’ (I don’t even know what that means?) and she’s hormonal so we should expect this from her.”
The Call Out
OP told her sister that she and her husband going to a winery nearly 100 miles away for their anniversary has “zero impact” on the baby and that she needs to “stop being a tyrant.”
“I reminded her I have 2 kids so I know firsthand how hormones can make you irrational, but it doesn’t give her a free pass to be a heinous b*tch,” OP said.
The Apology
There was ultimately an apology, but not the kind you’re hoping for. OP apologized to Lisa (not the other way around!) per her mom’s request.
“Mum said I shouldn’t have done that because it’ll make her a nightmare for them for the foreseeable future … but I don’t think I was wrong for calling Lisa out on her behavior.”
So now OP is asking Reddit, “AITA for calling my pregnant sister a heinous b*tch?”
Reddit’s Reaction
Reddit is astounded by Lisa’s “beyond ridiculous” request and is overflowing with understandable pettiness.
“She decided the entire family is pregnant by proxy and have to live like they too are pregnant? Give me a break, I’d break that ‘rule’ in an instant if my sister, who you don’t even live with, was pregnant … Pregnant or not, she needed to be put in her place. That girl is out of line.”
“There’s NO rationale for complying … Your parents are out of their minds for further encouraging Sis (her potential retribution be damned) … You could have used alternate/milder language, but Sis deserved a reality check. You & Hubs deserve some soft, unpasteurized cheese or sushi, & a nice bottle of something strong!”
“Parents are probably just jumping on Lisa’s crazy train just to stay on her good side so they ensure their ability to see their grandchild once born.”
“It’s ‘don’t poke the bear’ vibes. 🤣 And I would poke that bear so hard by showing up with a bottle of tequila, a couple of limes, and a salt shaker!”
“I’d down a f*ckin bottle of wine and then eat sushi and deli meat without breaking eye contact with sis.”
“Pounding down kilo after kilo of swordfish unashamedly. Mmmmm, Mercury 🤤”
“Your sister is a tyrant, and your parents really need to get a grip.”
Hopefully everyone can get a grip on this today so they can raise a glass on Thanksgiving tomorrow — even if it’s (somewhat understandably) asked that they do it in the comfort of their own homes.
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