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A Sister-In-Law on Reddit Hung a Christmas Stocking With an Offensive Name — & It’s the Weirdest Power Play We’ve Ever Seen

Holidays and pregnancies are a magical time. That magic being that for some effed-up reason, they end up bringing out the worst in people. *Sigh* Why can’t we all just, ya know, live, laugh, love … yada, yada, yada?!

One lucky woman on Reddit is currently pregnant and preparing to spend Christmas with her in-laws. And so she found herself needing to join the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit to vent about her sister-in-law.

This woman who originally posted (the “OP”) has been married to her husband Todd for three years now. He is a widower with a 9-year-old son, and he is “pretty close” with his sister Monica. “She’s nice to me and all but she seems to be a bit controlling especially when it comes to Todd,” OP said in her post, which got so much engagement that the moderators locked the comment section. “But that wasn’t a real issue until after I got pregnant.”

Of course. Tale as old as time.

And though we’ll get into the details in a second, the gist is that OP wants to know, “AITA for refusing to attend my in-laws’ Christmas unless SIL removes the stocking that has a different name than the one I chose for my unborn son?”

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