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A ‘Hillbilly Boomer’ Is Letting His Transphobic Flag Fly With His Grandkids & Things Are Getting Messy In The Reddit Comments

When “hillbilly boomer” is used in the first sentence of a Reddit post, you know it’s going to be a good one. “Good” as in juicy. Probably problematic. But “good.” And the latest post on the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit definitely (and unfortunately) delivered.

The parent who originally posted (the “OP” in Reddit lingo), joined the subreddit to talk about their father, who is said “hillbilly boomer.” OP loves him even though they disagree on many subjects. What complicated things further, was, of course, money. Regardless of his hillbilly-ness or his boomer-ness, this man has reportedly “worked hard his entire life and has saved up and invested well.”

“He has always helped all of his grandkids with college,” OP said. “He is not college-educated himself and he thinks a college degree is the greatest contributor to your future.”

He was helping OP’s daughter pay for college until she shared some major news. Now OP wants to know, “AITA for telling my daughter that she made her choices and now has to live with the consequences?”

People are coming at this from all different angles in the comments. And while there have definitely been times when Redditors haven’t agreed on who is the a—hole in a situation, this might be the messiest we’ve seen it get. Because it’s just hard to focus when there’s so much to unpack.

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