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This New Dad Called His Wife a ‘Bad Mom’ for Wanting to Return to Work & Reddit Is Up in Arms

Parenting was going so smoothly for one couple on Reddit — until their baby was actually born. At that point, the 34-year-old dad apparently realized how much work it takes to care for a baby all day, and things turned ugly. His 33-year-old wife took to the “Am I The A—hole?” subreddit (as you do) to share the reason her husband called her a “bad mom,” and Reddit has some choice words for this guy.

In her post, the new mom explained that she is a lawyer and earns more than her office-worker husband. “So when i got pregnant we decided that my husband would stay at home with our daughter, at least until she was a little older,” she explained.

After two months of maternity leave, the mom is getting ready to return to work soon, but her husband has suddenly changed his tune. She shared that her husband told her “it would be better if i quit my job and took care of the baby and he could provide for us.” *Record scratch* Wait, what? After their carefully agreed-upon plan and determination that the highest earner would return to work, this dad just doubles back and tells her never mind? Yikes!

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