Former midwife Marry Fermont discovered a special calling when she witnessed another midwife showing new parents how their baby looked inside the womb. From there, Marry turned that moment into a special calling to create images for parents that help them remember a very special few seconds in the life of their new baby.
SheKnows had a chat with the photographer about how she got started doing these stunning photos. She told us, “When I documented my first birth, it was the midwife who showed the parents how the baby was positioned in the womb.”
Nice for the parents to see
She goes on to say, “I loved this photo so much, and I noticed it was so nice for the parents to see!” And with that, a sort of “signature” shot was born!
Marry feels that the image of the baby positioned as they were inside their mother helps the parents see something they wouldn’t otherwise. “You see the baby coming out, but once they’re out, it’s so hard to imagine that they were ever inside of you. This gives you a little idea of how they fit.”
Hold the baby like this
Marry knew she had a unique idea by taking this very special photo and began incorporating it in a birth shoot, if possible. “Since I documented my first birth (2011), I often ask the midwife to hold the baby like this (if the baby’s temperature is good and there is time).”
Dad can do it too
There is another benefit to this shot that occurred to Marry. “A lot of parents request this photo, and women love it if their husbands want to hold the baby this way. And I do too.” After a whole pregnancy of the mom knowing the baby so intimately, it is lovely to capture the father holding the baby as it looked inside the womb.
It was natural
When asked if she ever thought this image would become so popular, Marry says she had no idea. “It was so normal for me to take this photo. Last year, I posted a photo like this on my Facebook page, and then the sharing started!”
The power of social media
We all know how fast an image can travel when shared on Facebook! Marry realized this after her photos were shared. “Social media can be so powerful.”
Becoming a mom
Happily, this past July, the birth photographer gave birth herself. “My daughter Liv was born via C-section (after I tried so hard at home to have a water birth). The birth of Liv was documented by my colleague, who followed my birth photography workshop. Now I really know what it is to give birth, to become a mother and how valuable the photos are.”
No regrets
Since discovering her love for birth photography, Marry has decided she won’t return to midwifery. “I wouldn’t want to change my job for anything in the world. Halfway through my study of midwifery, I made the switch to photography, and I haven’t regretted it.”
Photos are so important
In following her calling, Marry is certainly providing parents with a precious gift they will always cherish. Having her own baby helped her understand how meaningful these images can be for a parent. “It made me realize how important these photos are. Not only to remember one of the most special moments in your life, but also to process the birth and everything that happened. I look at the photos a lot, and I am sure it will be so cool for Liv when she grows up to look back and see how much her parents enjoyed having her!” We think so too! Check out her website and Facebook page for more of these beautiful photos.
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