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These Pretty, Distinctive, & Rare Girl Names Were Given to Only 5 Babies Last Year

Every year, the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) unveils the top 1000 most popular names — one list for girls and a separate one for boys — based on their collected data from the previous year. If you’re not concerned with how popular a name is, or whether it’s in the top five (for girls, that’s Olivia, Emma, Charlotte, Amelia, and Sophia, in case you were wondering), then this article isn’t for you. And as we always say — no matter how popular (or unpopular!) a name is, if you love it, you should absolutely use it.

But if you’re looking for the rarest girl names of the past year, you’ve come to the right place. We dug deep into the SSA’s latest data to unearth 22 rare gems that were used no more than five times. That’s right: there were nearly 3.6 million babies born in the U.S. last year, of which we can assume roughly half were girls. And these name on the list you’re about to read were given to only five of those — an astoundingly small amount in the grand scheme of things. Which mean these are definitely among the rarest girl names you can find these days.

One caveat: If you’ve got your heart set on a name with meaning, these might not fit the bill. Since most of them are either recently-invented names or combinations of two names, they don’t really have a meaning — although some might argue that’s just reason to make them mean whatever you want them to!

While there are a few on the list that admittedly made us raise an eyebrow (Moo and Greatness, for starters), the ones we’ve chosen for our roundup feel familiar enough to more conventional names so they wouldn’t classify as “weird.” But they’re definitely still special and distinctive — so if you’re looking for the perfect moniker that’s unique but not strange, these rare girl names are our top picks.

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