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10 Celebrity Dads Open Up About Their Vasectomy Experiences, Regrets, & More

There usually comes a time when a couple decides they’re done having kids, and to prevent more babies, they choose a form of birth control. While society puts the onus on women to take care of this through pills, shots, implants, and other inconvenient and invasive methods, there’s a quick, one-time outpatient procedure men can choose as an alternative form of birth control: a vasectomy. Traditionally, women have had to bear responsibility for birth control, but thanks to some of our favorite celebrity dads, vasectomies are being normalized as a child-preventative option that men can embrace.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Vasectomy is a form of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to your semen. It’s done by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm.” The medical organization asserts that the procedure “has a low risk of problems and can usually be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia.”

For some celebrity dads like Dax Shepard, the choice to get a vasectomy was his and his alone. Other famous fathers like Rob Delaney chose a vasectomy out of consideration for his wife, which we absolutely love to hear. “I figured after all my wife, Leah, and her body had done for our family, the least I could do was let a doctor slice into my bag and sterilize me,” the Bombshell actor wrote in a 2020 essay for The Guardian.

Relief, sadness, indecision, and utter joy: these celebrity dads have experienced it all when it comes to contemplating a vasectomy. Scroll on to read their stories.

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