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Clever dad uses Snapchat to turn his newborn baby into hysterical characters

Lukas Costeur and his wife, Lies Debruyne, live in Belgium with their newborn son, Felix, who entered the world on Nov. 25. Costeur, who has experience sketching as a product designer, decided to turn his sweet little boy into a different character every night via Snapchat as he gets him ready for bed. The results are adorable… and going viral.

Lukas told SheKnows that initially he started making these clever snaps for his wife’s enjoyment, as she looked forward to what character he would be each evening. But as Snapchat is watchable for only a handful of seconds, and not all of his family has the app, he started saving them on a blog.

A few friends suggested he post the blog to a local newspaper, and from there, Snapdad, as he’s known on his Facebook page, took off. He says that while he’s thrilled his baby is going viral, it was not the reason he started these creative snaps in the first place.

“We’re enjoying every bit of it,” he says. “Even the harsh, sleepless moments. That’s why I started drawing — to make the time he’s trying to fall asleep a bit more enjoyable.” And what amazing memories they’ll have to look back on as Felix grows up. Well done, Snapdad (and if you want to check him out on Snapchat, his user name is costeur).

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