Between coloring books, school art projects and whatever they doodle in their secret notepads, kids produce plenty of paper waste. But a child’s honesty mixed with their developing language skills can lead to some hysterical handwritten notes that a parent will never want to toss in the trash. Here are 25 of the funniest love notes kids have written.
Love potato
Drawing a potato instead of a person is strange, but also sweet. After all, who doesn’t love carbs?
A decisive opinion
On the bright side, at least Mom got a reply.
Don’t get on her bad side
This kid’s a lover and a fighter.
And by the way…
This child has yet to learn the concept of saving the best news for last.
Love you to death
Not sure what’s funnier, the fact that this child had the nerve to write this note or the fact that they spelled “assassin” correctly on the first try.
A moooo-ving note
Milk, cheese, ice cream — in their defense, cows are pretty amazing.
This child may be young but their ability to lay a guilt trip is highly advanced.
That’s comforting?
Kids will love you forever.
Heart-shaped slam
With the carefully cut and colored heart, they probably did not see this one coming.
Few kids would be so forgiving to their parents. Pretty sure a trip to the candy store is in the cards for this child on the weekend.
So close!
Let’s just say that extra “A” is for effort.
His love can be bought
This child takes LEGOs very seriously.
Nerd dads deserve love too
Because tweens and teens can’t resist the chance to poke fun at their parents, even when saying how much they love them.
Honest love
This child loves you unconditionally — just don’t ask for their opinion on your new haircut.
Constructive criticism
A well-drawn heart and smiley face can soften even the harshest blow.
A loving reminder
Gotta admire this child’s priorities.
Food is a love language
The way to this child’s heart is clearly through the stomach.
Who’s the boss?
If only everyone loved their boss this much.
What’s modesty?
Mom might love this card, but the sibling sure won’t.
The punishment fits the crime
Someone’s been leafing through the parenting books again.
Hungry for love
The little heart at the top lets you know they say it with love.
This note is a heartfelt reminder to remember what’s really important.
Love zombie
It’s nice to know that even if zombies attack, this kid will still want Mommy.
Smarty pants
If this kid doesn’t decide to become a doctor they’d have a decent shot at being a comedian.
The best they could think of
In Dad’s defense, there are days when waking up is really, really hard to do.
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