You gotta give it up to teachers, because Lord knows they put up with more stress than almost any other profession out there. There’s bureaucratic red tape to deal with, meddling parents (yes, we’ve all had our turn doing it), clashing personalities, art project messes, and dozens of little bodies buzzing with energy to deal with all day, every day. But sometimes the students make it all worthwhile with the funny little moments they provide.
Case in point: These hilariously hopeful notes kids wrote on their assignments. How could a teacher read them and not crack up? The sayings “kids say the darndest things” and “from the mouths of babes” didn’t come out of thin air, and these little musings are definitive proof.
If you can read through all of these little messages left behind for teach without busting up, you might not be human.
Originally published August 2016. Updated August 2017.
Wink, wink
Five bucks isn’t bad for a single paper.
Happy, hairy pirate
This saucy pirate with detailed leg hairs has got to be worth extra credit.
Connect the dots
When this student leaves an assignment for the teacher, they both win.
James Bond
What makes this so awesome is the fact that .007 is the correct answer.
Lost the train of thought
This student knows how to make the most of blanking on an exam.
A detailed image
What this kid lacks in drawing skills he makes up for by having a great memory.
Rhyme time
Let’s hope this teacher didn’t laugh out loud in class while grading.
Do you think this scary squirrel was enough to earn them a passing grade?
Nice try
If this worked on teachers, no one would ever study again.
Rules are rules
Pretty sure someone watched Fight Club instead of studying for their science test.
Hungry, hungry hippo
The teacher did the only thing you can do when you meet a hungry hippo — feed him.
1,2… 6?
This question appeared right after No. 2, so the kid is right — call 6 a cab.
Sports fans
Everyone knows it wasn’t the Red Sox.
Chuck Norris
When in doubt during a test, Chuck Norris is as good a guess as any.
Sink or swim
While not technically true, a little cardio never hurt anyone.
Ode to math
This is what happens when you’re the first one done with the test.
Jedi mind trick
Well, that’s one way to ask the teacher for help.
Warnings from Washington
Great advice, but not from Mr. Washington.
Check out these references
Don’t know if this stands for “no” or “non-applicable,” but either way, it’s a bold way to end a paper.
How to get a good grade
Respect the ninja teach, respect the ninja.
A for honesty
A final is the one time you can be really honest with your professor.
Third-graders are going to do what they want to do.
Excellent memory
Can’t blame a kid for trying.
Science is sexy
This student just gave their teacher the birds and the bees talk through science.
Hi, Dave!
In this student’s defense, Dave’s a great name.
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