When childbirth moved from the home to the hospital, we lost more than just the natural home-birth experience so many are trying to reclaim. As a society, we collectively stopped learning what the process of labor and delivery look like, now that it’s no longer happening in the room or hut next door. Our culture doesn’t always appreciate beautiful, transformational work that brings babies into the world. But maybe — just maybe! — getting an inside look through birth photography could change that.
Birth photography has become an art form so in-demand that there’s an International Association of Professional Birth Photographers, with a robust membership of talented photogs. Each year they release their Birth Photography Competition winners, and the results are stunning. This year marks the organization’s 14th competition.
These photos capture intimate, miraculous moments that show how strong and awe-inspiring birthing people have always been, and continue to be. Whether you’ve experienced childbirth or not, you will be amazed at how powerful these photos are, and the gravity of these profound moments that change birthing parents forever — both physically and emotionally.
The 2024 winners are part of the slideshow ahead, along with other stunning images captured by extremely talented birth photographers. And because there’s so much childbirth photography can teach people about the utter beauty of birth, whether it happens drug-free in a bathtub or while medicated in operating room during a cesarean section, we’re also including photos SheKnows has previously gathered, along with some great quotes from the photographers who took them.
“Birth photography is such an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to mothers processing their birth stories,” Lauren Jolly, a birth photographer in Winston-Salem, NC, tells SheKnows. “I think my favorite part of my job is delivering a gallery of images to a mom so they can see their strength, support, and love — it’s magical to be able to see that in photo form. I also love being able to share birth, in all its forms, with the world.” Why? Because “normalizing birth for women in our society is so important,” Jolly adds.
Please note: The following images show childbirth in all of its beautiful, messy glory. If you are uncomfortable seeing all parts of the female anatomy, do not click through.
A version of this story was originally published in June 2019.
By Morning Light
“This family welcomed their first baby at home and labored all through the night and their son was born just as the sun crested the mountains,” says doula and photographer Nicole Hamic of this exhilarating photo.
Pure Amazement
The look on this new mother’s face is a priceless combination of elation and relief, as captured by photographer Rachel Utain-Evans.
The hardest part might be over, but birth doesn’t end until everything is out … as evidenced by this powerful afterbirth photo by Lauren Fallon of Honeybrown Photography.
Beyond the Veil
Photographer Julie Francom of Julie Francom Birth Stories says of this intriguing snap, “I love how this mom paused to admire and appreciate the beauty of the sac that protected her baby for nine months. The baby boy was born en caul, coming into the world with the sac over his head and right into his mother’s arms.”
The Final Push
Photographer, doula, and multiple-time IAPBP contest winner Natalie Broders gives us this gorgeous shot of a homebirthing mother’s pain, joy, and absolute relief.
A Hand to Hold
Rayke Knippers of Rayke Geboortefotografie managed to capture this gorgeous image of the first time this mother holds her child’s hand.
Vernix and Breast Milk Rings
Doula and photographer Tiarra Doherty of Mother Wolf Birth Photography was behind the lens to capture the birth of this little one, with a fascinating glimpse at the waxy coating of vernix.
“This mom’s labor was only 15 minutes from first contraction until baby in her arms. I captured this as she was pulling up her beautiful 4th babe,” says Doherty.
Miracle #2
Photographer Martha Lerner of ZenMamaLove explains that this photo captures the first after-birth moments of “Baby S.”
“This image represents their second miracle baby, Baby S,” she says. “Their first was conceived via IVF/surrogate and he was named Seven because he was attempt number 7. Miraculously, they got pregnant and in this picture were finally meeting their second miracle, born via c-section after trying ALL THE THINGS to have a non-medicated, natural birth.”
Holding Hands
Describing this awe-inspiring moment during a C-section as “very exciting,” photographer Nora Dalmasso of Nora Dalmasso Fotografia says that as soon as this baby’s sac of water broke, he immediately reached his tiny hand up to grab the doctor’s finger.
Reflections of Birth
Hello Baby Geboortefotografie‘s Settia Tin captured this unique image that wouldn’t have been possible without a mirror. “For this photo, you have to look twice to see what’s happening,” she says. “The mother is giving birth on her hands and knees, and the baby’s head has just been born. Without the mirror, I couldn’t have captured this moment.
Raw Embrace
“With a sigh of relief, she picked up her daughter – still covered in vernix – and held her close,” describes German photographer Isabell Steinert, Isabell Steinert Fotografie, of this poignant shot.
Grand Entrance
Photographer Jaleesa Koelen of Jaleesa Koelen Fotografie brings us this cinematic shot — the first moments of a baby who we can already tell will have the most adorable, squishable cheeks!
Into Their Hands
Lauren Maggi of Lauren Maggi Photography describes this poignant moment. “A repeat c-section, done on mom’s terms. The drape dropped when her baby boy came into the world into the hands of the team she chose and trusted, she got to announce it was a boy,” Maggi says. “She felt the empowerment of her birth, even though her baby boy was delivered into their hands, and not pulled into the world by her hands, she still felt the empowerment of her decisions and choices in a hard situation.”
Feet First
“They expected her bum to come first, but whoop, there were two little feet!” photographer Jessica Innemee of Vi Photography says of this “beautiful, calm” breech birth.
Crossing the Veil
This little one emerged into the world still en caul — or born still inside an unbroken amniotic sac — in this stunning shot captured by Annemarie Lea Geburtsfotografie Frankfurt.
“I Did It!”
Sometimes after birth, the strongest emotion is sheer disbelief that it actually happened. Of this candid shot, birth photographer Lauren Bennett of Nourished Birth & Beyond says, “After some difficulty with fertility and birth, this healthy baby was born. Moments after, she started crying, ‘He’s here! I did it!'”
Mommy’s Babies
The birth of these two miracle babies left their mother in “a whirlwind of emotions,” says birth photographer Nora Dalmasso of Nora Dalmasso Fotografia.
Her End & Her Beginning
Portland birth photographer Natalie Broders captured the effort and emotion of this new mom as she gives birth. “After the final push, the mother cries out with joy as her baby is scooped up by her husband,” she says. “This photo marks the end of her pregnancy and the beginning of her new life as a mother.”
Photographer Sara Ávila proves with this amazing snap that no matter how babies come into the world, each birth is equally captivating. “Giving birth by Cesarean can be as beautiful as a vaginal birth,” she says of the photo.
Life Unfolds
In a photo described by photographer Cindy Willems of Birth Day Geboortefotografie as “the perfect homebirth of a firstborn child,” an emerging baby’s umbilical cord is swiftly unlooped from around the neck.
Teardrop of Motherhood
There’s no relief like the first seconds after birth, and you can see it written all over this new mom’s face. Photographer Holly Cordova of Holly Cordova Photography says of this birth photo, “Mama peacefully birthed her baby earthside, and gently placed her baby on her chest. As I was photographing her and her beautiful baby, I noticed a single tear drop of relief streaming down her cheek. It was surreal.”
A breathtaking closeup taken by photographer Eli Sort, this photo shows the first long-awaited glimpse of this sweet little one.
Underwater Birth Love Light
Photographer Rayke Knippers of Rayke Geboortefotografie arrived just in time to capture this watery shot. “This little girl came within 5 minutes [after] I arrived. I’m so thankful I could take this shot. Her mother is a single mom and her mother (grandma) was there to support,” she says.
In the Eye
Birth photographer Sara Hunter of Sara Hunter Photo caught this unfortunately-aimed stream, and says of the photo, “I have worked with this midwife for many years and we have laughed and cried. This moment was pretty funny when she got nailed right in the face.”
Of this stunning shot, photographer Eva Thomassen of Eva Thomassen Fotografie says, “This image represents the power of the female body and what it is capable of, even against all odds, when birth is left untouched.”
The Greatest Surprise
According to photographer Alexandria Mooney of Alexandria Mooney Photography, this couple had waited to find out the sex of their second baby until birth — and were elated to have a baby daughter joining their older son at home.
Wait for White
At first glance, this may look like a baby coming into the world feet-first — but as photographer Charlie Halman of Little Rose Photography explains, it’s actually an example of delayed cord clamping — i.e., waiting until the umbilical cord stops pulsating and turns white before cutting.
A Love Bigger Than Africa
This birthing mom had just accomplished her goal of an unmedicated birth in this sweet shot by Leslie Castleberry of Novita Family Photostories, LLC. In the words of the mother: “I have never felt more powerful and strong than I did with this birth. I had accomplished one of my greatest goals. It was so incredibly difficult, but I did it.”
Photographer Alannah Finn of Birth Body Photography perfectly captured the beautiful-but-bloody reality of what childbirth can look like.
Fight the Power
In this “hands-on” photograph by zenmama love, photographer Martha Lerner explains, “Mom and Dad were adamant that they build a birth team that would make them feel safe, which to them meant their baby would be born into a room full of people that looked like her, and her parents, persons of color. Baby came out and was placed on Mom’s chest and immediately pumped her little ‘Fight the Power’ fist!”
This baby’s entrance into the world via c-section came after a last-minute flip to the breech position, according to photographer Lauren Maggi of Lauren Maggi, LLC.
Brace for Birth
Following a speedy labor, photographer Laura Brink of Rewild Her says this baby was ready to go and came out “braced for birth.”
Waking Up at Sunrise
It’s amazing when we can get a glimpse of a baby’s inner world on the outside, as captured in this shot by photographer Paula Beltrão of Studio Paula Beltrão.
Cry of Love
Photographer Anne Barbosa of Anne Lucy Fotografia managed to capture the pure and primal emotion of a birthing mother in this stunning photo.
Life Beneath the Surface
This captivating shot by photographer Mary Beliz shows this baby being born from one watery world into another.
First Touch
The look on this brand-new dad’s face says it all as he lovingly assists in the birth of his child in a moment captured by Hello Baby geboortefotografie.
The Hand
Photographer Barbara Stynen of On Being Born Photography chose this photo of a baby being born with what’s called a “nuchal hand” as one of her personal favorite images. “[It is] a varation of normal birth which only happens occasionally and is on itself no risk whatsoever for baby or mom,” she tells SheKnows. “I love this image because it is rare to see, and even more rare to then also be able to get a clean and sharp image like this from it!”
Birth photographer Charlotte Highfield of Little Rose Photography captured this sweet shot of a family-centered home water birth where the older siblings were present and ready to help out.
There’s Beauty in the Details
Another from photographer Barbara Stynen of On Being Born, this one captures such amazing detail. “The skin of a freshly born baby, wrinkly and still covered in amniotic fluid, blood, vernix … [it’s] a photo you can feel and I love details like this!” she says.
Ready For Devotion
These parents preparing to welcome their child into the world show the raw emotions of childbirth through the lens of Sadie Wild, Sadie Wild Photography.
The Ultimate Gift
This photo of the first moments after a surrogate birth was captured by Charlotte Highfield of Little Rose Photography. “This incredible lady — whose first ever pregnancy this was — gave birth to a son for the two most deserving fathers,” Highfield told SheKnows.
The First Look
Childbirth is a profound and impactful experience for all involved, not just the person giving birth. This sweet snapshot by Ebony Allen-Ankins Photography shows a new dad overwhelmed with emotion at the first sight of his baby.
Into the Night
This portrait by Ebony Allen-Ankins Photography beautifully illustrates that even though birth is grueling and physical, there are also elements of the magical and surreal.
The Blessed Exhaustion
Childbirth is a physically grueling task, and this new mom is finally able to take a moment to give in to her exhaustion, as captured by German photographer Danny Merz.
Womb World to Our World
A mother’s body isn’t the only one that undergoes physical changes during birth, as this gorgeous picture of a bright-eyed newborn by Sadie Wild Photography shows.
The Quiet After the Storm
“Not much can compare to the energy of the quiet after the storm,” photographer Barbara Stynen of On Being Born tells SheKnows of this powerful photo. “Everyone in awe of what just happened. Mom and baby together as one, baby still attached to the placenta while mom checks the umbilical cord, seemingly unaware of everything and everyone around them.”
Absolute Joy
The title of this photograph, “Absolute Joy”, says it all — just look at all these beaming faces! This special moment was captured by Lindsey Eden of Lindsey Eden Photography.
The Reach
Every type of birth is beautiful, and nothing illustrates that more than this beautiful C-section snap by Natalie Weber of Natalie Zepp Photography.
Soften Open Release
An absolutely stunning close-up that will make anyone appreciate what a birthing body goes through, this photo was captured by Deborah van Bruchem of Noa Fotografie.
Twins’ First Latch
Winner in the Best Overall Postpartum category is this monumental moment of the first of many, many feedings by photographer Jessica Miles of Jessica Miles Photography.
Love and Support
The care and concern of the whole family shines through in this precious shot from Vannessa Brown of Vannessa Brown Photography.
Blood Of My Blood
Winner in two categories — Birth Details and Members’ Choice Best Overall — is this riveting portrait of new life by Laura Brink of Rewild Her Birth Photography & Film.
You can just see the profound relief in the face of this mom, immortalized by Portland birth photographer Natalie Broders.
A Touch of Love
2022’s overall winner, shot by Bárbara Aviz Fotografia, is a look at birth that’s both funny and poignant.
The look of sheer relief and triumph on this mother’s face after the safe delivery of her baby was captured by photographer Jacinta Lagos of Jacinta Lagos Birth Services.
The Greatest Love in the World
This moment of well-earned joy, taken by Anne Lucy Silva Barbosa of Anne Lucy Fotografia in Brazil, won the Judges’ prize for Best in Delivery as well as the Members Choice Best Overall honor from the IAPBP’s 2021 competition.
Daddy’s Girls
The connection between these two big sisters, their dad, and their new sibling is going to last a lifetime, and it’s so wonderful to get to see it at the very beginning. That’s why this pic by Canadian Ashley Marston of Ashley Marston Photography won the judges’ Best Overall award and the members’ Best in Postpartum for 2021.
The Origin of Life
How on earth did German photographyer Charlene Förster of Charlene Förster Fotografie make this instant of baby catching look so like a sculpture? This was both the judges’ and the members’ choice for Best in Birth Details.
This was the judges’ pick for Best “Fresh 48” — that’s the apt term photographers give a portrait of parent and baby within the first 48 hours of their life. This kid and their mom look like pros as they’re photographed by Jami Edgar of Touch of Hart Photography in New Jersey.
We can’t tell what’s underwater and what’s out of it in this photo by Danny Merz of danny merz | geburtsreportage, in Germany, and we doubt baby can either. This members’ choice for Best in Delivery.
Reach Down. He’s Almost Here.
That a photographer like Dana Jacobs of Dana Jacobs Photography in St. Louis can get so close to the delivering mom in this moment says a lot about her skill and the mom’s focus. This won the judges’ prize for Best in Labor.
My Body, My Birth
In this photo by Hanna Hill of Hanna Hill Photography in North Carolina, we can see about a thousand different emotions crossing this mom’s face after all her body has accomplished. This won Best in Postpartum from the judges.
Nursing A Newborn
This photo by Phoenix-based Carey Lippert of Carey Lauren Photos & Film is so simple, but also just perfectly composed, earning the members’ award for Best in Fresh 48.
Primal Shapes of Birth
How incredibly strong is this mother? Laura Brink of Rewild Her caught this baby-catching down in Australia and won Best in Labor from the members.
The Best in Birth Details title of the IAPBP 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition went to Bree Garcia of J&B Photography, LLC. This is a body doing the most.
A Moment of Silence
We can imagine this is a truly earned peaceful moment. This photo by Jessica Vink of VI Photography in the Netherlands won First Place in the IAPBP 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition.
Vernix Constellation
We don’t often see water birth from this angle, captured by Kristy Visscher of Kinship by Kristy. The IAPBP 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition named this Best in Postpartum.
Unmasking The Many Layers Of Birth
There is so much going on in this photo by Alexandria Mooney of Alexandria Mooney Photography, but we can’t stop looking at the big brother’s face of wonder. This won Best in Delivery at the IAPBP 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition.
Ring of Fire
How freaking strong are mothers? Katie Torres of Your Story Professional Birth Services took this photo and won the Members’ Choice First Place of the IAPBP 2020 Birth Photography Image Competition.
A Healing Experience
“This beautiful momma had a long and difficult birth with her first baby and had opted for a birth center birth the second time around,” Jolly tells SheKnows. “The moment she accomplished her water birth and finally held her baby girl in her arms was so healing and beautiful – her face says it all!”
Twice the Blessings
Approximately 128,000 twins were born in the United States in 2017, the CDC reports. These are just two of the gorgeous babies to join the club.
Time Slows Down
“I love how this image shows that no matter what else is going on in the room where you give birth (note the doctor behind the drape), time almost stops when you first hold your baby,” Jolly tells SheKnows.
From Womb to Water
Water births can help reduce tension during delivery, as well as create a soothing environment for an infant, the American Academy of Pediatrics reports. Here, photographer Laura Eckert of New Creation Birth Photography caught an infant’s first moments under water.
A Moment of Elation
“This incredible momma worked so hard to birth her baby and stayed so joyful throughout her entire labor,” Jolly says. “The moment he was finally in her arms was full of laughter and just the most pure happiness.”
Sibling Bonding
“I adore this family,” Jolly says. “As they welcomed their fourth baby into the world, big sister finally got the little sister she’d been praying for. She was so excited to be part of her mom’s labor and birth!”
The Final Push
A new mother gets a glimpse of her child in this stunning photo from Liz Jennings Photography.
A Labor Surprise
Labor is often messy and unpredictable — and that’s precisely why it’s so beautiful.
The Supportive Daughter
Jolly also captured this photo of that particular mom in active labor. Her eldest daughter joined her in the tub during active labor for support.
The Magical Placenta
The placenta provides fetuses with all of their oxygen and nutrients throughout pregnancy. While not the prettiest organ, it is vital for healthy development and growth. Here, Breathe Birth Photography shows an image of a placenta still attached to an infant.
A Brief Moment of Repose
“Mothers are warriors,” Jolly says. “I love this image of this dad as he supported his wife through labor; birth stories are love stories.”
A Caul Birth
In extremely rare cases, some babies are born with their amniotic sacs still intact. Breathe Birth Photography snapped this breathtaking image of a baby born with the sac lightly covering their head.
New Beginnings
A newborn returns to a fetal position after a water birth in this powerful image from Leilani Rogers.
A Grand Entrance
“So many times parents told me they didn’t even remember this moment or that moment happened but when they look at the images, they realized it did happen,” Leahy tells SheKnows. “And they’re grateful that I was there to capture it. There is no greater reward to know you did a little something good in another person’s life.”
The First Hello
Photographer Ashley Marston snapped this amazing shot of mother and baby gazing upon each other for the first time.
An Elated Introduction
Skin-to-skin contact with newborns promotes heat regulation, bonding, and breast milk production, according to Unicef U.K. In this photo, Marston captured the pure joy it brings, as well.
The Perfect Moment
This new mother was all smiles as her baby’s head emerged. Birth Blessings Photography snapped this serene photo at just the right moment.
A Supportive Partner
Water births can also help increase a pregnant parent’s flexibility, allowing more movement and opening in the hips, according to the AAP.
The Sweetest Hello
Baby and mother lock eyes for the first time after a C-section in this gorgeous photo from New Creation Birth Photography.
Tears of Joy
The labor process often isn’t easy, but this mama’s face — captured by Breathe Birth Photography — demonstrates why the hard work is worth it for so many.
An Incredible Introduction
A mother smiles and gently holds her newborn as they take their first breaths.
A Well-Deserved Rest
An infant holds onto Mama after a long journey to the outside world.
A Father’s Joy
A new father lights up as he sees his child for the first time in this beautiful image from Megan Bowen at Snap Life Photography.
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