Children’s drawings may not be the most technically accurate, but they’re always highly entertaining. Kids love to draw what they know, which is how dads often end up the subject of their artwork… usually with hilarious results.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the kids responsible for these drawings of their dads definitely have some explaining to do this Father’s Day.
Worst spelling mistake ever
Bad things can happen when a child misspells ‘cook.’
Dad’s in shape
Don’t take it personally, Dad; round is a shape.
This whistle needs work
It’s the thought that counts, Dad. Try to remember that.
What are they?
Are they being attacked by large purple dinosaurs?
Snake attack
Because kids see dads as heroes, even when it comes to sperm… er, snakes.
Pencil portrait
Dad’s body hair — nailed it.
Wake up, Dad!
When your kid calls you out for being lazy.
Foul-mouthed father
Proof that kids really are listening when you talk.
Cool wheels, Dad
It’s a dad on his truck, obviously.
Is that a…?
It’s supposed to be a picture of all of Dad, but it looks like just one particular organ.
Mind reader
Because a kid knows Dad is thinking about him and Mom, even when he’s at work.
Tiger dad
Because nothing says “My dad is awesome” like drawing him as a tiger arm wrestling a turnip.
Dad’s Blue Period
If you squint, it looks like a head and two legs. If you don’t… well, the color blue may be highly appropriate.
Dad loves to garden
Nothing to see here but a dad and his watering can.
Anatomically correct
It’s not hard to figure out which one is the mom here.
Hat humor
That is one fancy hat.
Flying father
Once you see them, you can’t unsee them.
Chalk dad
And Dad immediately starts wishing for rain.
Family portrait
At least Mom looks just as odd as Dad.
Me and my dad
When your dad is either a giant or a giraffe.
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