There’s nothing funnier than kids who try to outsmart their parents (and teachers) — and fail miserably! The perfect example of this is forging signatures — especially funny when kids don’t actually realize that “Mom” and “Dad” have real names. These efforts may not have achieved the desired results but definitely deserve a place in the family memory box.
The coolest teacher ever
Why stick to forging Mom’s signature when you can fake an entire note from your teacher? Extra marks for punctuation!
When one line isn’t enough
This 6-year-old girl clearly didn’t fancy reading “Here at the Zoo” and didn’t let her mom’s signature — a long one at that — stand in her way.
Blast from the past
This was one fake school note worth holding onto. The old-school cursive writing makes it even more plausible, right?
Gold star for Ethan
Ethan definitely deserves a star for this attempt at forging Dad’s signature.
Serious stuff
Yep, a heart attack definitely warrants four days off school. If you’re going to fake a sick note, you might as well go all out.
Keeping it simple
Keep it simple. Mom’s the word.
No surname required
When you’re in second grade, you simply don’t need to know second names.
Riley takes control
We reckon Riley was perfectly entitled to quit violin lessons for professional reasons.
Anything for ice cream
Clearly he wasn’t sure Mom was going to check the right box — gotta make sure he gets that ice cream!
Monica’s happy
Was Mommy a little tipsy? She seems to have struggled to stay on the line there.
Feeling the love from Mommy
Do the hearts along the bottom help this 5-year-old nail an attempt to fake Mommy’s signature? We’re not sure, but it certainly looks cute.
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