And when ‘Procrastination’ is your middle name (I’m calling myself out here), chances are you too will be left trying to pull off a cute getup for your children at the eleventh hour. No pressure, right?
If you’ve got a little makeup and some creativity, however, you can pull off a cute costume in a snap. These super-simple Halloween face-painting looks are perfect for when you’re pressed for time.
Captain America
You’ll get an A for this quick, easy Captain America mask.
Leopard print doesn’t have to be perfect — it’ll still look grrrrreat.
This design can be easily adapted if the child asks for a butterfly.
Oompa Loompa
An Oompa Loompa is perfect for your little Roald Dahl fan, and it couldn’t be an easier look to achieve.
Minnie Mouse
Minnie Mouse: minimum effort, maximum cuteness.
It’s all about the eyebrows for your mini vampire this Halloween.
Pokémon know you’ve got to catch them all — all the Halloween treats, that is.
Spotty dog
A white base and black patches make for a fabulous spotty dog.
Doll face
Exaggeration is key for a doll face. Equal parts cute and creepy — isn’t that what Halloween is all about?
Add a touch of glitter for a glam take on Bambi.
If you’ve got enough hair to work with, you don’t even need a wig; simply paint on a hairline worthy of any vampire gal.
Wonder Woman
If you can draw a star, you can create a winning Wonder Woman look.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
The TMNT facepaint is unmistakable (just make sure the mask color matches your child’s favorite turtle).
Iron Man
It only takes a few minutes to give Iron Man his all-important mask.
Perfect for the Star Wars buff in the family.
Once you’ve mastered the “S” (and you can print it from the internet and trace it to make it super-simple), you’ll have Superman nailed.
Angry Bird
It’s not difficult to create an Angry Bird with thick black lines and simple shapes.
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