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Tech-Free Toys for Old-School Playtime

Modern tech toys are cool, but does anything stimulate kids’ creativity quite like classic playthings? We know it’s tempting to pick up the latest cheap plastic gizmo or trendy video game for a kid’s holiday gift — because honestly, they’ll probably love it. But tech-free toys offer so much more leeway for their imagination to run wild. And bonus: They don’t screech, blink or get insipid songs stuck in your head all day.

Your little one could get creative playing with a classic doll, build brain connections constructing a little log cabin or bond with family members over a board game. There’s plenty of time for children to utilize technology; it’s everywhere, and it can seem impossible to avoid. Providing old-school play opportunities is getting tougher, but we’ve found some quality options.

Click through to check out our favorite tech-free toys for the holidays and beyond. And these are just the tip of the iceberg; there are plenty more classic goodies to be found if you know where to look. Luckily, these retro gifts don’t require an old-fashioned shopping trip — they’re all available online.

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