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Celebrities Who Homeschooled Their Children

There are plenty of ways for parents to choose how to educate their children, but homeschooling is one of the more unconventional ones. It’s by far a more hands-on, engaged, intimate method of education, and parents who choose to homeschool their children are making a bold leap into some exciting territory. Homeschooling means a specially tailored curriculum, an education in the basics (reading, math, science) with the option to add on courses you may not find in a regular school environment (music, foreign languages and beyond).

Surprisingly, homeschooling is rare in the world of celebrities. You’d think that with their hectic schedules, tons of celebs would be opting to educate their kids at home to ensure that they don’t miss out on the schooling they need. But celebs who homeschool their kids seem to be in the minority, and the ones who do choose it make for an interesting lineup.

Curious to see which celebs homeschool their kids? Keep clicking to find out.

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