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Gorgeous Nature Crafts to Get Kids Outside

Face it: Summer is gonezo, folks. And it’s likely that your kids’ weekends have transformed from sunny green days of running/camping/swimming/hanging at the beach to early-dark evenings and crisp afternoons vegging out in front of the TV. But fall is the most gorgeous time of year to get outside; it’s not quite coat weather, but summer’s stifling heat has gone, and the leaves are changing into the most gorgeous hues of the year. So it’s time to ditch the screens and round up the kids for a few more outdoor adventures. But if you’ve got a true indoor kid on your hands, maybe they’re not that psyched about woods-tromping and puddle-jumping. 

If you’re dying to get your kids outside before snow and the perpetual darkness of winter falls, but you’re having trouble convincing them to venture into the wild unknown, problem solved. With these fun nature crafts, kids don’t need to be the adventuring type to go on a little (fun, accessible, non-stressful) quest for craft supplies. Here are 15 of our favorite gorgeous nature crafts to entice your kids outside — at least temporarily.

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