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You Need to Know These Moms Who Are Running for Office

With a record number of women running for office, we’re poised to have another “Year of the Woman” at the polls. (The last one was in 1992, so it’s about time.) When women run, they are just as likely as men to win races — but social conditioning, among other factors, is attributed to the fact that politics remains a boy’s club. One of these key factors is that while being a dad has been viewed as an asset in male candidates, women with children have had to respond to tired, sexist questions about how they’ll manage to give 100 percent to their job and remain involved in their kids’ lives.

But 2018 is shaping up to be different. Women candidates across the country are reclaiming the narrative by playing up their motherhood in campaign videos and on the campaign trail, making the compelling argument that being a mom can actually be a major asset for a politician. 

As Nov. 6 rapidly approaches, here are seven moms from the Democratic party who have a fighting chance of being sworn in come January. 

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