Summer break is an important time in the fight against hunger (VIDEO)
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The end of the school year is met with wonder and excitement for most kids, but for those without the promise of three square meals a day, it can be scary.
More than one in five children in the United States lived in food-insecure households in 2013. That means more than 16 million children live in houses where they don’t always have access to the food they need to thrive. This doesn’t mean all of them are going without food every day, but there are times when their families struggle to provide nutritious meals.
Throughout the school year, these kids know they can at least depend on free or reduced-price lunches for one filling meal five days a week. Once summer arrives, though, that promise is gone for a long, three-month stretch.
We asked our Hatch kids about the situation, and their thoughts were all the same. They want to help.
With the help of ConAgra Foods and the ConAgra Foods Foundation, there is something you can do. Look for the red pushpin on specially marked packages of your favorite ConAgra foods products and enter the code at to help ConAgra donate meals to Feeding America. For every 8-digit code entered by January 7, 2016, ConAgra Foods will donate the monetary equivalent of one meal to Feeding America.
The giving gets even better through the summer months. Every Friday from June 12 through July 31, 2015, every code entered equals one meal, plus a bonus meal, because TGIF should mean something all year round.
“Just because you’re a kid doesn’t mean you can’t say something,” said one Hatchling. “It’s like, closer to me, because I am a kid.”
You can learn ways to talk to your own kids about giving back with the Hatch activity PDF here.
This post was brought to you by ConAgra Foods.
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