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10 Foods that are dangerous for dogs, and 5 that aren’t


Wondering what makes the list for bad food for dogs to eat? We’ve got you covered with a vet-approved dos and don’ts edition. Let your dog eat this, not that!

Hi friends!

My name is Louie Breen. My family calls me Louie Zoomy Breen, but I have no idea what they’re talking about. I’m the owner of a family of five: two bigs and three littles. I’m so proud! I walk them and play with them and snuggle with them, and they feed me. Our family runs like a well-oiled machine.

My big ones are good cooks and my little ones are good droppers. Can you guess who I love best?

Sometimes, they worry about what I eat. And lick. And chew. But there’s no need for that. I know exactly what’s OK to eat and what’s not.

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), “While sharing the occasional tidbit with your dog is fine, it’s important to be aware that some foods can be very dangerous to dogs. If your pet [that’s me!] eats any of these foods, you should call your vet [I love that guy] or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. The telephone number is (888) 426-4435 and there’s a $65 consultation fee for this service.” #ImWorthEveryPenny

But even I make mistakes, so if you see me eat any of the foods below, call the number above even if I’m acting normally. The ASPCA says, “Sometimes, even if poisoned, an animal may appear normal for several hours or for days after the incident.”

10 Foods that are dangerous for dogs

  • 1. Avocado
  • 2. Bread dough
  • 3. Chocolate
  • 4. Alcohol
  • 5. Grapes (and raisins!)
  • 6. Nuts
  • 7. Moldy food
  • 8. Onions
  • 9. Garlic
  • 10. Raw meat, eggs and bones

Now the ASPCA also gives advice on how to teach your dog to not steal or borrow or have your food. This is silly and should be skipped right over. Especially if it’s one of the foods on the list below.

5 Foods you can share with your dog

1. Green beans

2. Apple slices without seeds

3. Cooked lean meats (my favorite!)

4. Baked potatoes

5. Bananas

Now that we have that all cleared up, I think my people are ready for dinner. Your pet might be hungry too, so let’s all go eat. As always, sharing is encouraged.



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