Though our dogs can’t change diapers, they certainly know how to take care of our kids. To prove it, we found 15 reasons why dogs make the best babysitters. Even if you aren’t ready to turn your tyke over to your pawed pal, these adorable pet videos and pictures of dogs with babies will make you smile.
1. Dogs make sure that your kiddo’s hands are clean before eating (and during and after)
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2. Canines readily offer a furry shoulder to cry on
3. Dogs will offer crawling lessons for free
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4. Dogs are quick to offer your kiddo company on the couch
5. If you’re concerned for your baby’s safety, dogs have it covered
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6. Canines are ready to babysit even before you need it
7. Dogs make nap times happen without even trying
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8. Dogs will even kneel down to let your kiddo get on for a piggyback ride
9. Wherever your kiddo goes, dogs are never far behind
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10. Canines are ever ready to clean up any crumbs the baby drops
11. Dogs make sure your baby has plenty of toys
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12. Dogs love to instigate gleeful squeals of laughter
13. When your child is headed for trouble, dogs will do whatever it takes to prevent it
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14. Canines and kiddos are interested in the same things and look at the world through the same glass
15. They know exactly how to make your baby giggle
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