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Newborn kitty just can’t help dancing in its sleep (VIDEO)

Any new parent will tell you that there’s nothing more adorable than watching a newborn baby sleep. As a parent, I beg to differ. The only thing that could possibly be cuter than watching your new baby sleep is watching this newborn kitten dance in its sleep.

In this two-minute video, we see a baby kitten passed out cold on its mama cat’s lap. (In the parenting world, we call this “milk drunk,” a totally normal side effect of a good breastfeeding session.) Personally, just watching this sweet kitty sprawled on its back, asleep with its mama, would have been good enough for me — but there’s more to this viral video than meets the eye.

This sweet kitten just can’t stop dancing, even during its afternoon nap. One smarty-pants commenter explains, “The cat’s nerves haven’t developed in those parts, so when they are asleep, they move automatically like that.”

Call it a twitch, call it a reflex, but I call it pure entertainment. Watching this innocent newborn kitty sleep is enough to give me baby fever all over again, or at least make me reconsider getting a cat.

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