Many prospective pet owners decide to go with a cat instead of a dog because cats are commonly thought to be lower-maintenance — but If you have your sights set on a purebred cat, things can get a little expensive.
Cat breed bloodlines, especially the ones that you’ll see in this slideshow, are super hard to keep pure — which can drive up the price exponentially. There’s no denying these kitties are cute, but they come with a huge pricetag.
Here are some of the most expensive on the cats out there.
Originally published December 2015. Updated January 2017.
Persians are surprisingly low on the list of most expensive cat breeds, considering they’re the face of Fancy Feast. While they can price as high as $5,000, you’ll usually find them in the $700 range.
The Savannah cat
The exotic Savannah cat is one of the healthiest breeds out there and can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $20,000.
Peterbalds are extremely smart, sociable and vocal. You can look to spend $1,500 to $5,000 on one.
While they appear wild, Bengals are super-loveable cats. They also love to swim and can cost up to $25,000.
Scottish Fold
They always look guilty, but it’s just what happens to their ears at 3 weeks old. Price range is $500 to $3,000.
Russian Blue
Russian blues are known for their dense coats and brilliant green eyes. Price ranges from $350 to $3,000.
Maine Coon
Maine coons look majestic and wild as a result of their large size. They average at $1,000.
Siamese cats have dark faces, ears and extremeties, and very distinctive meow. Average price: $700.
Ragdolls have sweet, easygoing dispositions and soft, beautiful coats. They don’t come cheap at $1,100.
British Shorthair
British shorthairs have super-soft fur, and they are the perfect Netflix-and-chill cats. They range from $500 to $1,500.
These hairless guys do tend to get chilly, so make sure there are blankets around. They go for $300 to $3,000.
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