People love their pets. I get that. Who doesn’t love snuggling with a fluffy pooch, or playing fetch under a blue sky?
Some pet parents, though, take their pets far too seriously, whether that’s spoiling the animal like royalty or making pet parenting as convenient as owning a stuffed toy. Take the Stud Stopper, for example; it is the closest thing you will find to a dog condom. Why is this better than neutering your dog? No one knows, but it exists.
Chastity belt
You were probably wondering if there was a female version of the Stud Stopper. Answer? Yes. Chastity belts for female dogs are a thing.
Posh dog nail polish
Complement those gem-studded collars and pawdicured nails with extravagant colors and hip illustrations.
Baby carrier
The perfect solution to an active owner’s lifestyle with a lazy or pampered pet.
Turd hockey
I suppose if you want to rid your yard of dog poop and keep your kids entertained, you could hand them this hockey stick designed to fling poop.
The trapper
Maybe this is helpful for dog owners, but it looks super awkward for the dog.
Freeze it
No need for messy cleanups anymore. Freeze that turd solid! OK, this one could actually be pretty useful.
Hot Doll sex toy
Is your stud puppy a cheeky hound dog? Well, there’s a dog sex toy for that. And it’s available in three different sizes to match your dog’s tastes.
Hot dog lips
Playing fetch isn’t entertaining enough. Now you can get a chuckle every time your hound returns with these Humunga Lips. Remove to get a dose of slobber and a loving lick.
Shed protector
This one looks absurd but maybe it can be useful? Maybe. It claims to curb shedding by holding in all of your dog’s hair, but we all know that fur is just gonna fly all over when you take this contraption off your pup.
Twinkle Tush
If you really feel the need to bedazzle your kitty’s behind, Twinkle Tush will do just that.
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