Living with cancer is not easy. I didn’t want cancer. I didn’t expect cancer. Cancer just happened. I had no choice in the matter. But, I did have a choice in how to deal with it emotionally.
I am now a breast cancer survivor and am pleased to have the opportunity to share some tips on how to cope with cancer:
- Determine the most uplifting, helpful and caring people to be your support system.
- Educate yourself about your diagnosis to the level that brings you ease, not panic.
- Find enjoyable activities to which you can look forward consistently, such as watching your favorite television show, playing cards with your neighbor or talking on the telephone with your friends.
- Exercise when you have the energy.
- Join a support group geared toward cancer patients with whom you can relate.
- Take advantage of resources offered in your community for cancer patients, like
wellness centers, meetings and classes. - Treat yourself to your favorite foods when you are feeling up to it.
- Don’t pretend to be cheerful if you don’t feel that way.
- Look beyond your cancer by maintaining a busy life, taking up new hobbies and working, if possible.
- Recognize that you may need help with daily activities.
- Accept that life is different now — and that “different” can be okay.
- Laugh.
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