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Lend your voice to fight AIDS

The dream of an AIDS-free generation is within reach if we add our voices.

Major scientific breakthroughs and new treatments are leading to progress in the fight against AIDS. For the first time, we can realistically imagine a new generation emerging in the year 2015: one that’s free of AIDS. The ONE/(RED) Initiative needs your support of its commitment to end mother-to-child transmission of this dreaded disease.

Healthy babies

Transmission of the AIDS virus from mother to baby is completely preventable. Yet, each day, 1000 babies are born with HIV, and most — nearly 90 percent — are born in the poorest areas of sub-Saharan Africa. They begin their lives already infected with AIDS and lacking treatment; half die before they are 2 years old.

The world can bring hope and help to these innocents, but it will take the efforts of many — from political leaders, corporate executives and religious and secular leaders to students, concerned parents, celebrities and ordinary citizens.

The 2015 Quilt

In 1987, the NAMES Project Foundation created the memorable and emotionally powerful AIDS Memorial Quilt to pay lasting tribute to those who lost their lives to AIDS. In today’s evolving interactive and digital world, the 2015 Quilt will echo the original quilt, with easy access and unlimited possibilities for sharing the message of AIDS prevention. Anybody can create her own personal patch on the virtual quilt as a memorial to a lost loved one or a message of hope to future generations.

When you design your patch, you will be asked to make a commitment to a simple action to help end mother-to-child transmission of AIDS. These actions include joining ONE and urging your friends to join with you to prod political policymakers into action. You also may choose to buy a (RED) gift during this holiday season, or make your own commitment to ensure that the generation born in 2015 is AIDS-free.

December 1, 2011, is this year’s World AIDS Day and a fitting time to join ONE/(RED) in its partnership with and Facebook as they create the digital 2015 Quilt. This quilt will represent millions of people worldwide banding together to fight the scourge of AIDS and working for an AIDS-free generation.

In gratitude for their own healthy babies, we women should add our voices. Multiplied by the masses, the strength of women’s passion and strong commitment, we can be the force that finally helps end mother-to-child AIDS transmission. Let’s be there for the beginning of the end of AIDS.

More on AIDS

AIDS Charities: Ways to join the fight
AIDS: What you need to know
SJP, Estelle, Ke$ha come together for AIDS

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