This adorably sweet beagle just needs a puppy power nap.
Beagle wants attention
Beagle puppies are pros at giving you the “play with me” look.
Excited beagle puppy
Exceedingly enthusiastic by nature, beagle puppies will do their best to excite you, too.
Cuteness times two
One beagle puppy is cute. Two beagle puppies are over-the-top adorable.
Beagle babies
A beagle baby trio will make your heart explode with love.
I’m watching you!
Beagle puppies watch your every move no matter what you’re doing.
Beagle pup loves toys
Always ready to play, beagle pups will eagerly bring you the toys.
Big-eared beagle puppy
If this beagle could talk, it would say, “Hey, these floppy things are freaking me out!”
Beagle pup on a break
It’s not easy being this irresistibly cute.
Beagle puppy needs
All beagle puppies need are food, water, love and a chew.
Wanna play, big dog?
If you don’t have time to play with beagle pups, they will bravely find someone who does.
See my sad face?
Alas, this beagle pup looks like it has lost its favorite toy.
Beagle puppy running
Beagle fur babies can’t wait to see you when you come home.
Beagle puppy pouncing
Certainly, snow is not a reason to pass up a tennis ball.
Why so sad, beagle?
Perhaps this beagle puppy would be happier if someone joined in on doing the downward dog yoga pose.
It’s the little things
Beagle logic: Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the flowers.
Beagle baby
Didn’t you get the memo? Beagle puppies are binkie babies, too.
Always a beagle baby
A beagle puppy may grow bigger, but it never wants to stop being your baby.
I’m really sorry
No, we couldn’t stay mad at this guilt-stricken furry face either.
Best day ever!
Give a beagle puppy a stick and you will have a seriously ecstatic beagle.
Beagle pup in the grass
Beagle puppies are always picture-perfect cuteness.
Beagle puppies sleeping
Whether playing or sleeping, beagles live to be love puppies.
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