“Nowadays we just like to sit on the couch and wait for someone to turn on the TV.”
Ol’ bushy brows
“Sometimes I think, is that a caterpillar I can eat or is it just my eyebrow again?”
Just resting
“I’m just gonna close my eyes for a minute… just a minute… (snores, wavers, falls over).”
Grumpy old dog
“Why of course I read the Wall Street Journal today! What do you take me for? A heathen?!”
Prematurely gray
This puppy has seen more decades and been through more trials and tribulations than you.
Dang you, kids!
“If I have to come up there and tell you to turn that music down one more time, you’ll be sorry!”
Grandpa pup
“Am I two months old or 10 years old? What day is it? Either way, I’m hungry.”
Eh, holidays…
“Every year they come around, and every year I get the same stupid sweater from the kids.”
When you’re a dog, lounging is far more fun than jumping in the pool, no matter what age you are.
Speak up!
“You said you want me to eat the mail? No, I’m sorry. I only do that on Wednesdays.”
“No, the beard hasn’t gotten darker over the years. I’m only six months old!”
Who’s that?
“Come closer… my eyesight is poor. Oh, it’s Mom with treats. Yaaaaayy (runs in circles, then falls over).”
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