The glow-in-the-dark hair trend is pretty incredible, but UV makeup is also pretty mesmerizing.
Sun and moon
This eye-catching look is great for any costume party.
Face paint
It’s also the perfect look for our favorite upcoming New Orleans holiday — Mardi Gras!
UV all over
This takes the rainbow Snapchat face to a whole other level.
Matching nails
If you’re already going for glowing hair, why not have your lips and nails match?
Eye catching
Stunning, right?
Faded beauty
You can get the lipstick at Party City. Meanwhile, an online store called BeWild caters to other UV makeup needs.
As for decent glow-in-the-dark mascara, turn to this awesome United Kingdom store, appropriately called Glow.
Hot pink
You know what they say about a girl with hot pink nails and lips? She’s fabulous, that’s what.
Nail glow
One thing’s for sure, with these bright nails, your friends will never lose you in a club again.
Flower power
And you can get pretty creative with those body paints. Would you try it?
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