One of the many awesome things Uber has done over the last few years is bring the working folks in the cities it services adorable puppies and kittens to play with and possibly even adopt. However, now that we’ve gotten a taste of the cuteness, we want more. That’s right, Uber. This is a call for you to bring more small, fuzzy baby animals to our offices so we can feel like we’re at the best petting zoo ever. Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling.
Considering Easter’s around the corner, why not start this spring off right by bringing over some precious bunnies? They’re already in a car, so the work’s half-done for you.
While we’re on Easter-friendly animals, why not throw some baby ducklings into the mix?
Baby seal
OK, so seals might be somewhat trickier, but what if you just brought one around and we pet him in the backseat?
And what could be cuter (or softer) than door-to-door chinchillas?
Teacup pigs
Come on, Uber, I’m spoon-feeding these to you now!
This hedgehog is available for takeout or delivery.
Baby owls
Yes, they might look a little reserved, but soooo fluffy!
Who wants to see this adorable face in their office? Oh, everyone? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
While sometimes mischievous, they’re also smart and super cute. I definitely wouldn’t turn those faces away.
Baby loris
It might take these lorises a while to climb to you, but put them in a car, and you’ll save a good week and a half.
Baby goats
Goat-cuddling is proven to be very good for heart health.
Baby sea turtles
While not cuddly, baby sea turtles are the cutest non-furball you’ll ever meet.
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