When you think about preserving your wedding bouquet, you probably picture a frame filled with dried pressed flowers, or a freeze-dried bunch under a glass dome. But what if I told you the beautiful, fresh-looking bouquet here was six months old? That’s the power of this new flower preserving technique — it keeps flowers from your special day looking new and gorgeous for up to a year!
How it works is relatively simple. According to Floral Escence — a floral shop at the forefront of this new technique — each flower chosen to be preserved is treated with a special solution that perfectly preserves their look and feel. Pretty cool, huh?
Which one
Which one of these two red beauties do you think is preserved? Give up? It’s the fuller one on the left.
Pink or pink
Now what about these two? You’d think it would be the slightly less vibrant one, right? Wrong.
And they also do fun little accents like these iridescent sea shells for a beach-themed wedding.
Imagine these looking the same way on your one-year anniversary as they did the day you got married.
Flower crown
Floral headpieces are all the rage these days, but the fresh ones wilt so fast.
If you like a subtler look, they’ve got you covered there too.
Hello, gorgeous bouquet, how old are you?
Winter white
It’s also important to note that all substances used are non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-carcinogenic.
Imagine having a boutonniere that your groom could wear to another wedding six months down the road? Pure magic.
Yes, they are a bit more expensive than your average flowers, but that’s because you’re paying for a memory that lasts.
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