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The ‘Sixteen Candles’ house is for sale, and it’s as sweet as a Jake Ryan birthday surprise

If you’re like me, you’ve watched the movie Sixteen Candles dozens of times and fantasized about the dreamiest boy in all of high school ever, Jake Ryan. But now I’m grown up and can appreciate more than teenage boys in tight jeans leaning on cars. Now I lust after gorgeous real estate, like the house that just hit the market in the tree-lined Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois. Yes, it’s the same house used as the family home of Samantha in Sixteen Candles

The house is as dreamy as you remember. The three-story brick house is total suburban perfection, with six bedrooms, four full bathrooms and two half bathrooms, and is for sale at just under $1.5 million. The brick home really is picture-perfect and worthy of the best tabletop birthday kiss ever.

But really, it’s the modern, classic interior and the cast molding throughout the house that make this house worthy of its own big-screen close-up.

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