Itching and scratching are the second-most common reason people bring their pets to the vet. (Diarrhea tops the list… pleasant, I know.) So what gives? Well, plenty of things from oil to dryness to allergies can be causing irritation on your pet’s coat. Of course, for excessive scratching and any rashes that may appear, a vet is your best bet for quick relief for your pet, but if you already know the cause, these herbal remedies might be a helpful supplement to your pet’s skin care regimen.
Camomile can be used to treat minor skin irritations on your dog’s skin according to the blog Ruff Ideas. Chill the steeped tea and use it to help soothe inflamation by spritzing some directly onto your dog’s coat. If your dog is gnawing at their paws, you can even dunk their feet in a small tub for a cold tea soak!
Evening primrose
Evening primrose oil can be used directly on your dog’s dry or itchy skin. It can also be given orally. A few drop mixed into your pups water or food is all it takes to help allergies.
Happy Tails Spa has a great recipe for an all-natural eucalyptus conditioner, which will help repel fleas while giving your pup a smooth and glossy coat. To make the rinse, boil 1 teaspoon of dried eucalyptus in a pint of water for 10 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled to body temperature, pour it over your dog as the final bathing step. Towel dry without further rinsing.
Calendula is said to be a great natural treatment to give itchy pets relief. You can make your own rinse by steeping and then cooling a calendula tea. Otherwise, there are many sprays, lotions and gels on the market to help soothe your pet.
Just like in humans, lavender is very calming. Lavender can even be combined with peppermint leaf in a soothing tea rinse. Lavender is best used when an itchy pet’s skin is experiencing no change of appearance according to Whole Dog Journal.
Aloe is one of my personal favorite skin healers. Just like in humans, aloe shouldn’t be used on open wounds, but is perfect for dry, irritated skin, especially sunburns. For your pet, it’s best to skip the bottled stuff and go straight for the plant. Otherwise, you can find pet products containing aloe that are safe to use on your pooch.
Whole Dog Journal recommends using a juniper decoction for a dog with a more severe red, flaky and constantly itchy skin condition. The site finds that using juniper is a very effective solution.
Like aloe and lavender, peppermint is a very soothing herb and safe to use on your pet as a tea rinse.
Dogs Naturally magazine recommends using rosemary for your dog’s skin as a conditioner and natural flea repellent. But it’s important to note, while rosemary is generally considered safe for your dog, feeding large quantities can lead to negative side effects like seizures.
According to Natural Dog Health Remedies, echinacea has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that make it ideal for treating skin conditions in your pet by boosting their immune system.
Plantain can reportedly be used to treat minor redness in pups. Though it is generally considered a weed, it has properties that speed wound healing and stimulate the growth of new skin cells.
Witch hazel
Witch hazel can be used to treat itchy pets, but be careful only to use a small amount. This is one that you’ll want to check with your vet about before choosing to use it on your pet. Too much can be toxic, according to Cuteness.
Rose hips
Natural Dog Company recommends using rose hips on your pet’s skin in oil form. It can be used as an effective remedy for a dry snout.
Daily nettle tonics can relieve your pup’s allergies according to Natural Dog Health Remedies. But for pets with allergies that cause itchy skin, a nettle tea can also be used as a rinse for relief.
Slippery elm bark
Animal Wellness magazine recommends using slippery elm bark to heal inflammation. You can use it externally for wounds, burns, rashes or insect bites.
The Honest Kitchen reports that cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and is also said to slow or stop bacteria growth. However, too much can be a bad thing for your pet, so talk to your vet if you’re thinking about trying this holistic approach.
Yellow dock
Yellow dock is most commonly used for your pet as an itch reliever. Boil a tablespoon of yellow dock in 2 cups of water. Once it cools, strains the mixture and apply to your dog after rinsing.
Neem can be used on dog’s skin as a natural flea, tick and mite repellent. It also promotes healthy skin and a shiny coat.
Tea tree oil
When used correctly, PetMD reports tea tree oil can effectively treat and prevent topical bacterial and yeast/fungal infections. It can also help with a bunch of skin conditions, including itching and irritation, because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
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