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The 31 Top-Reviewed Products at Sephora

Was browsing through Sephora on my boyfriend’s computer the other day when he happened to look over my shoulder. He must’ve been standing there for a nearly 30 seconds—a lifetime in hover years—before I even bothered to look up from my beauty product trance at him: mouth agape, staring at the maze of never-ending products.

More: The Best Beauty Products to Buy at Sephora for Under $30

“How do you even sort through everything on there to find the good stuff?” he asked earnestly, watching in amazement as I scrolled. And then it hit me—as someone who’s had more than a decade of Sephora-scrolling practice (and, you know, a job in the industry), I’m pretty familiar with Sephora. By proxy, I can also tell if a product is going to be worth my time and money within seconds: Once you get past the ingredients and product copy, it’s all in the review section. And while you’d think a few good reviews with a high star-rating would be enough to decide if a product is good, oftentimes, one user can sway a rating with a very bad (or very good review). Because he most popular products at any given store aren’t always the best, we sifted through the thousands upon thousands of beauty products on the site—including makeup, skin-care, hair products, fragrances, and tools—to bring you the 31 products that are both the most- and top-rated products at Sephora.

Not only do the following pickis have the highest star rating in their section, but they have hundreds—sometimes thousands—of reviews to back ’em up. Ahead, the top-rated beauty products at Sephora.

More: Here’s What Sephora Looked Like in 1997


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