Ah, the classic white T-shirt: It is, at once, our most beloved wardrobe standby and the item in our closets that we most dangerously underestimate. You might not research it the way you would, say, a new bag or a pair of on-trend boots—and sure, you might stuff it into your already-overflowing drawer instead of bothering to hang it up—but think about this: No matter how uninspired you might feel while getting ready for work in the morning, a good tee can make an otherwise stale outfit feel fresh and cool again. It’s a universal truth.
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But thanks to the paradox of choice, shopping for the best white T-shirt can be anxiety-inducing, what with all the options and styles and price points and fabrics and—you get it. So in honor of National White Shirt Day, which is not only A Thing, but also is today, we’re culled the 13 best white tees from every price point to shop now. Ahead, an all-cotton crewneck from Gap, a boxy, modern-fit style that proceeds the ALCU, and a $95 tee that some women swear is worth the $$$—and everything in between. Shop them all below.
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Originally posted on StyleCaster.com
Club Monaco Sunny Tee
Club Monaco Sunny Tee, $29; at Club Monaco
Everlane The Human Women’s Box Tee In Small Print
Everlane The Human Women’s Box Tee in Small Print, $22; at Everlane
Reformation Flax Relaxed V Neck
Reformation Flax Relaxed V-Neck, $28; at Reformation
Hanes & UO V Neck Tee 2 Pack
Hanes & UO V-Neck Tee 2-Pack, $20; at Urban Outfitters
L’Agence Perfect T
L’Agence Perfect T, $95; at The Dreslyn
T By Alexander Wang Cotton Tee
T by Alexander Wang Cotton Tee, $120; at La Garconne
Uniqlo Supima Cotton Crewneck
Uniqlo Supima Cotton Crewneck, $9.90; at Uniqlo
James Perse Relaxed Ringer Tee
James Perse Relaxed Ringer Tee, $106; at Shopbop
Lacausa Ever T
Lacausa Ever T, $77; at Lacausa
Gap Vintage Wash Crewneck Tee
Gap Vintage Wash Crewneck Tee, $24.95; at Gap
New Look Roll Sleeve Jersey Tee
New Look Roll Sleeve Jersey Tee $12.50; at ASOS
Baserange T Shirt
Baserange T-Shirt, $60; at The Line
Re/Done 1960s Slim Tee
Re/Done 1960s Slim Tee, $78; at Re/Done
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