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10 Products Celeb Hairstylists Use to Fix Split Ends FAST

Try as we might (and trust us; we really, really try), we know that there’s virtually nothing that can fix our split ends, aside from heading to the salon for a trim. Because once the protective cuticle layer of your hair is damaged to the point of fraying, there’s nothing that can magically reverse the break, unless you snip it off and start fresh—which, if you’re a highlight- or color-addict like us, could put you in the salon every four-to-six weeks.

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But what normal, non-celebrity has time for that? Uh, not us. And probably not that many celebrities, either, based on the fact that they’re pretty much always on a beach or in a plane. So we decided to ask their hairstylists—we’re talkin’ the top-of-the-top, A-list, screenshot-their-pictures-on-Instagram hairstylists—for their favorite split-end fixes to disguise damage, fast. And thankfully, they’re terrible secret keepers. So click through to find out which serums, creams, and magic potions will transform your hair into an Anne HathawayOlivia Wilde, and Taraji hybrid.

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