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The 10 Best Beauty Products Your Skin Needs This Summer

We’re going to drop some fast facts on you: One in 5 people will get skin cancer in their lifetime, and one person dies of melanoma every 54 minutes. Sorry to be fearmongers, here, but we can’t stress how important it is to slather your face in SPF-filled products this summer, even if the extent of your outdoor activities involves walking to and from your car. 

But because the majority of humans won’t reapply their sunscreen every two hours as required (because, hey, makeup and sunscreen don’t always mix, right?), we’re all about getting sun coverage wherever possible by using beauty products filled with SPF, like foundations, moisturizers, eye creams, lip balms and face powders. Basically, you can never have too much protection. So we rounded up the 10 best SPF-loaded beauty products your skin absolutely needs this summer. Check ‘em all out and get slathering.

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