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27 Ways to Wear Tights That Are Neither Boring Nor Depressing

So, the temperature finally dropped below 60 degrees in New York, and we haven’t missed a beat. It might not quite be tights weather yet, but three people in the StyleCaster office showed up wearing turtlenecks today, so you know tights won’t be far behind.

Let’s be real, though — tights aren’t nearly as much fun to wear as turtlenecks. They can be itchy, they get runs, and it’s hard to find that perfect pair that doesn’t give you muffin top (oh, but don’t worry we already did that for you).

Still, even the best pairs of classic black tights are Boring with a capital B, so if what you’re really looking for are some tights that will keep your ensemble fresh and interesting rather than simply keeping your legs warm, you’ve come to the right place.

Ahead, check out 27 completely non-depressing ways to wear tights this season, including prints, fishnets, colors and more. So hold off on the black opaque tights and skin-tone nylons for a month or two, at least, because we’re stepping up our tights game this year, and it’s time to start shopping.


Originally posted on StyleCaster. 

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